
Daniel Or
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Comparators, Transformations and Processors

JDigger's API is based on these elements so the API may be used and extended  in the most flexible way.


Comparators hold all the search relevant data (what to find and what not to find) and know how to compare a searched entry in order to check if it matches the search criteria.

The reason Comparators compare files and ZipEntrys and not Strings is in order to enable searches into files in order to find matches (as in FieldComparator and MethodComparator). This sort of parameters is used also for the processors.


Class diagram:



Transformations are applied on search values or on searched entries and thus change the search criteria. For example JavaTransformation transforms slashes (i.e. '/') in searched entries into dots (that is, '.') so you may search using the java dot notation.


Class diagram:



When  a searched entry matches the search criteria, processors may be applied to it. The PrintProcessor for example is a simple processor that prints the matching entry to the standard output stream.



Class diagram:



Note: All UMLs has been created using violet, a cute and simple UML editor.

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This site was last updated 04/27/03